PST-C12 United Chemical Pool Stain Treat 2 lbs. (2 Count)


Item ID: 209176

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United Chemical Pool Stain Treat 2 lbs. PST-C12

  • Remove any type of stain
  • Prevent stains for up to 60 days
  • Works on any surface

Pool Stain Treat is the work-horse of our stain solutions, both lifting difficult stains and then preventing them for up to two months. Pool Stain Treat handles the hardwork in keeping your pool free of stains.

  • Product Type: Stain Remover and Prevention
  • Used For: Mineral Stains
  • Dosage: 2 lbs. per 20,000 gallons
  • Surface: All types (predissolve for colored plaster/painted surface)

DIRECTIONSIt is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with labeling. Always add Pool Stain Treat directly to pool or spa.NOTE: For better and faster results, allow the chlorine residual to drop to 1.0 ppm or less.TREATMENT:

  • Add 2 pounds (1 bottle) per 20,000 gallons of pool water in the following manner:
  • For Colored Plaster, Painted Surface, or Wide Spread Staining: Predissolve in a bucket of water, then broadcast evenly across pool surface to prevent streaking.
  • All Other Surfaces: Add the product directly to water in area of stain.

PREVENTION: Repeat treatment every 60 days to prevent the recurrance of staining.ADDITIONAL TIPS:

  • Avoid Shocking: Continuous shocking can lead to the reoccurance of staining.
  • Check Alkalinity: High Alkalinity can lead to the reoccurance of stains. We recommend using the Hamilton Index?ó?Ç??ó for balancing to prevent future staining.
  • Spotting Bags: for spot stains on white plaster and non-painted fiberglass, Pool Stain Treat is available in Spotting Bags.
UPC: 730928002007


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