17612COR Yellow Out 2 lb. Algaecide (2 Count)


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SKU: 17612COR-2PK
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Algea Remover 2 lb. Yellow Out CS1003 07612


  • Fast acting
  • No brushing
  • Dissolves immediately
  • No copper or silver
  • Safe in any gunite, vinyl, plaster or fiberglass pool
  • Guaranteed! U.S.A. and Foreign Patents


YELLOW OUT produces amazing results! Quickly Economically

Unique Safety:

YELLOW OUT is not an algaecide, herbicide or pesticide. It does not contain quaternaries (foam), copper (stain), silver or poison. No algaecide can match the safety of YELLOW OUT. YELLOW OUT will not kill algae. However when YELLOW OUT is used with EPA registered chlorine, cleanup is achieved quickly and economically.


Yellow, green, brown or pink slimy algae on walls normally appears on the shady side of the poolwhere the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the step meet, below water fill line, along the wallsand under the lights in the pool.MAINTENANCE APPLICATION: Use YELLOW OUT for normal maintenance. Use 1/4 of initialrecommended amount with your regular shock treatment.INITIAL APPLICATION FOR ALL TYPES OF ALGAE

  1. CAUTION: (1) NEVER PRE-MIX YELLOW OUT WITH EPA REGISTERED CHLORINE OROTHER CHEMICALS; (2) never vacuum pool immediately after application, and (3) neveradd YELLOW OUT directly into the skimmer basket or filter suction line! Maintainproper pool chemistry at all times.
  2. SHAKE WELL TO BREAK UP THE LUMPS (product lumping in transit is normal). Clean DE orcartridge filters before proceeding (additional filter aid may be necessary with sand filter).Determine the size of the pool in gallons. Adjust chemical balance to pH 7.8 or higher,chlorine 2-2.5 ppm, alkalinity 80-120 ppm and cyanuric acid 25-75 ppm,
  3. Add two pounds ofYELLOW OUT per15,000 gallons waterdirectly into any type ofpool. Spread half of italong the perimeter ofthe pool, startingwhere the algae arethe thickest.Concentrate the restdirectly over problemareas. Never add morethan is recommended.
  4. After 5 minutes,add two pounds ofcalcium hypochloriteor equivalent (See#4a) or one gallon(15%) of liquidchlorine per 15,000 gallons water directly over YELLOW OUT. Follow the EPA registeredchlorine manufacturer’s recommended application instructions for different types of poolsurfaces, Never add more EPA registered chlorine than is recommended.
    • Use of different types of chlorine:
      • Calcium hypochlorite-2pounds per 15,000 gallons.
      • Sodium hypochlorite (15% by weight)-1 gallon per 15,000 gallons.
      • Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione-2 pounds per 15,000 gallons (also add 2pounds soda ash directly over chlorine).
      • Trichloro-s-triazinetrione-2 pounds per 15,000 gallons (also add 2 poundssoda ash directly over chlorine).
      • Lithiumhypochlorite-4 pound per 15,000 gallons.
      • Tablets (Trichlor)-2 pounds per 15,000 gallons (if tablets are used, they must be completely dissolved within a 24-hour period). Also add 2 pounds soda ash directlyinto pool.
  5. Circulate pool water for 24 hours using only the main drain, if possible. Check pump, valvesetting and timer, disconnecting the off-timer dog (tripper), if necessary.
  6. After Step 4, super-chlorinate the pool water again 12 hours after initial application and again 24hours after initial application–each time using 2 lbs of calcium hypochlorite (or equivalent) per 10,000gallons or one gallon of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons. Return equipment and chemical balance tonormal after algae are removed.
  7. YELLOW OUT dissolves immediately, is neither an algaecide nor an herbicide and as such hasno poisons in it. However, because of the concentration of EPA registered chlorine in your water aftertreatment, we recommend you stay out of your pool as long as you normally do after you shock orsuper-chlorinate your pool. How long you wait to swim after super-chlorination is a matter ofpersonal choice, but we recommend waiting at least 8 hours. After the EPA registered chlorinehas dissolved completely and when the pool is clear and visibility is good, you may swim at yourdiscretion.CAUTION: Keep YELLOW OUT and all pool chemicals out of reach of children. Rinse containerthoroughly and dispose of it properly.NOTE: If your pool has TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) content above 1,500 ppm, treatment mayrequire additional chlorine.YELLOW OUT is guaranteed to perform when the simple instructions are followed. However,neither Coral Seas nor the seller makes any guarantee, expressed or implied, concerning thisproduct when used in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Neither shall be held responsible forany personal injury, property damages or other types of loss resulting from mishandling, improperstorage or improper use of this material.


UPC: 731524222226


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